Saturday, October 31, 2009

No Place Like Home

It is Halloween and I suppose that would be a blogging occaision. My followers show no mercy when I communicate via the old fashioned way: email - citing "That should have been a blog!"

Today, I went to get a haircut where most emplyees were in full costume. Glennis, who cut my hair, was dressed in a blue plaid Princess Diana Scotish kilt and a tiara. I am not sure that is a costume since she is from Scotland and grew up wearing the plaid. I went as an unshaven weekend warrior. My companions, however, were in full costume. Bonnie, Champ, Luc, and Jac arrived via the yellow brick road as Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. My bride brought the Wizard of Oz theme back from the Spring Valley Days when Chelsea, Kelly, Kacie and Charlie were the same characters respectively. Now they are all scattered in Texas, Oklahoma, California, and Ireland. The ones who strayed to far away do not get to test the brand new Blue Bell flavor I tested today - Mexican Praline. Vanilla Ice Cream with Mexican Praline Candy, Pecans, and Praline Sauce. It is worth clicking your heels together and saying over and over "There is no place like home, there is no place like home............ Perhaps you will wake up in Texas on Halloween night with a bowl of Blue Bell.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Naming your blog

The hardest thing about blogging is naming your blog. All the names that relate to you in any way are taken by the mindless bloggers who have nothing better to do than write inane meanderings of the mind that no one else is really interested in reading. Therefore it takes brainstorming and some amount of alcohol to stimulate the senses. It also helps if your daughter invites your favorite niece over for a night off from her day to day responsibilities. After all she is the one who named me El Padron years ago. She also insists that she is my favorite niece and claims that all my dogs have bitten her at least once. However I digress. Why "Leo but not Dicaprio"? First of all on the internet you need Budweiser, sex or some other term that will catch a lot of hits. Second my middle name is Leo through no fault of my own. Third we could not think of anything else. Fourth my smart nieces did not come over.

P.S. I have no Leo Dicaprio fixation. Blood Diamonds was a good movie though.