Friday, December 17, 2010

Polar Express

This has been an amazing travel year. Hawaii in the Spring and those amazing drinks like the 7-11 and the margarita with a Serrano pepper kick, Jackson Hole on 4th of July with a roaring fire warming our backsides as fireworks exploded above Snow King Mountain, trips to Tokyo and Kyoto with the tuna market and Golden Pavilion, eating at Wurstkuche in LA with Chelsea, chasing Harry Potter flying broom style around Hogwarts Castle, meeting the three bears in Colorado Springs, celebrating holiday style in New York City, and now here I am headed to Beijing via the North Pole.

Now I know the cynics are questioning whether the Old Man has suffered a little too much from the Christmas Spirits served in Business First on the 777. Perhaps the magic of last year's Dickens' Christmas in snow clad London or seeing Elf on Broadway has permanently altered Dad's perception of reality. Yet here I sit looking at the flight map from New Jersey's EWR. To Beijing's PEK and we are flying straight north over Baffin Bay just west of Greenland at 600 MPH. Soon we will fly over Santa's Workshop at the North Pole before turning back south over Siberia on route to Beijing. Riding the jet stream at 35,000 feet I may not be able to see the Polar Express clearly in the blowing snow but I know it is down below. There are only three ways to actually go to the North Pole and see Santa: the Polar Express, Santa's Sleigh, and hiking guided by Elf. Most of us will not get to go there but you still have to believe in the Magic of Christmas. We have all experienced something in our lives that give us that feeling.  For me one example is walking out of Spring Valley's City Hall after the Lychner Memorial Statue was approved one December night and snow began to fall from the sky. Next year it will be watching little Harris in his red pajama's and Santa hat.

Wait, I think I see Santa down below working on his list.......and it looks like Mack Brown has moved onto the naughty list!  I guess we should have expected as much.

When you read this let's hear about why you believe in Santa.

P.S. I cannot wait to complete my travel year next week when we meet Charlie in Cincinnati.

Sent from my iPad and I still cannot append pictures to this blog!


  1. I believe in Santa because Artie walked on Glee and because he brought my precious TJ monster. Hopefully this year he will bring TJ a clean bill of health.

  2. I believe in Santa because Santa has come to my house every year and brought me presents and sometimes coal that he lifted from Anadarko. (Sheisty Santa) I think I saw him last week at the mall, too.
