Sunday, December 11, 2011

Beaver Creek

Hello from Beaver Creek! Here I am at the top of Bachelor's Gulch Lift just two days after returning from Seoul, Korea. After a day of work, a visit to the parents and a night of packing, and United losing my suitcase on the flight to Colorado, we made it to the slopes for the first time since 2009.

After a little trepidation about our rusty ski skills, we hit the slopes. No spills or falls and the snow provided good skiing considering it was mainly man made. As you can see in the photo of Cherry below there is no snow on the adjacent mountains. There was plenty of sun offsetting the near zero temperatures.

After skiing we took the bus to Vail. I received my first senior discount since turning 60 a few weeks ago. Seventy-five percent off bus fare!

You have to be amazed at one skier we saw boarding the bus. After blocking the bus from the bus stop for several minutes (apparently oblivious) he attempted to step onto the bus and bounced off spilling himself and his skis. He managed to board the bus after falling another time. Our driver told us to get on the other bus while he waited for the police. How this guy can ski in that condition is something to think about.

We ended the night with a nice dinner down by Gore Creek. That was after we found the hats in the photo. Cherry is wearing her fox and I am wearing a rabbit felt Stetson. I suppose the rabbit should beware of the fox!

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