Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kyoto Has Everything

When you are in a foreign country it is nice to be able to find the things you need to make your trip pleasant. A few of the things that can be found around the corner from Kyoto Hotel Okura are:

Something for Jerry-san: Almost every few blocks you’ll find refreshment dispensers on street corners. All dispensers have Coca Cola Classic and Coke Zero. For only 120 yen you can quench your thirst.

Something for Tane Sakura: Would Tane Sakura go in a dog shop with little dog clothing articles for sale if it was next to her hotel? Of course she would.

Something for Trish the Dish: When on vacation why not drink the drink of your adopted homeland. Enjoy a Guinness from the Hill of Tara bar served up by an Australian right next door to Hotel Okura.

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