Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dippin your Longhorn before the Big Game

"Every man has the right to a Saturday night bath"
Lyndon Banes Johnson

Harris was all dressed up in his burnt orange longhorn towel complete with horns for his first bath. His outfit was courtesy of Rachel. If you heard his complaining you would have thought he had to jump in the vat like his fellow longhorn. His bath started with sterilized water prepared by his Dad.

No more tears Johnson Baby Shampoo!

Baby, it's cold outside!

Don't get water in mine eyes! (inside joke)

I want the tapes in that video camera. You're not showing that to anybody.

OK, I feel better now!

Let's watch my first Longhorn game. Texas vs Missouri

Texas blowout Over Missouri 71-58. Hey I'm 1-0 as a Longhorn fan! Duke lost so maybe this is our year. I am thinking Final Four. Yawn.....Sweet Dreams!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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