Saturday, January 29, 2011


"There are lives I can imagine without children
but none of them have the same laughter & noise."

Brian Andreas
Laughter & Noise

Cherry and I are on a flight to meet our grandson in Dublin. Harris took his first breath in Dublin, Ireland at 6:46 AM, January 27, 2011.  He weighed in at 7 LBS & 10 OZ. His Great-Great-Great Grandmother, Alice Lyons, was born in County Cavan before immigrating to America about 100 years ago. To my knowledge. Harris is the first of Alice's descendants to be born on Irish soil.

Harris is very lucky to have parents like Kelly and Richard. They enjoy exploring the world and being with their family and friends. Harris will see more of his family when he moves to Texas later this year. He has grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins waiting in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Cincinnati, & Los Angeles who are all anxious to meet him. In the meantime we will be kept up to date by The Irish Taruns blog authored by Kelly.  Some day Harris will be able to read Kelly's blog and learn about all the adventures he had before he was even born. Perhaps that is the best reason to blog after all.  

"He wrote secret notes to people he hadn't met yet.
Some of them aren't even born, he said, but we live
in a strange neighborhood & they will need help figuring
things out & I won't always be around to explain it to them."

Brian Andreas
Secret Notes

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