Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birds of a Feather.....

I have been in Kauai for about five days and I like the birds here. I met Mr Albatros this morning while I was playing golf. I hit my drive near some trees and I thought at first that my ball might lie beyond the trees. It was not but I found an unmowed section of rough with little signs warning me to stay at least 15 feet from the albatross. Standing in the middle of a roughly 30 foot diameter area was a fuzzy headed albatross. Yes, he looked like the doodle of bird world. I suppose this dark grey/black creature was immature as he seemed unlikely to fly away and the picture of his mom was a pure white bird with a much better figure. Note: I called him he and that is surely a form of ugly bird profiling.

Right now I am sipping on a new concoction called the 2-11 which I promised to research in a previous discussion. As I sit here grilling some rib eye steaks I have had two visitors. A previous occupant of my space has left some food on the table. My first visitor was the Northern Cardinal. I am sure he has a hell of a story about how he ended up in Hawaii but he joined me less than a foot away for a nibble. My grandfather, Poppy, used to have a cardinal that would sit on his finger in his back yard. A second visitor was the red crested cardinal. One of those guys hopped in my golf cart a couple of days before.

This morning my spa time was interrupted by ducks and chickens walking through the pool area. Other visitors this morning were zebra doves and mynah birds. Mynah birds are all over the place here. I seem to remember a TV show starring Arthur Godfrey who had mynah birds for pets on his show. He usually wore Hawaiian shirts and played a ukulele. I think the Mynah birds could talk like a parrot. I am sure they would be offended by that comparison.

Good night.