Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It is time to get crazy!

Did you ever get that feeling that Thelma & Louise got before they took off across country? Sometimes there are enough things going on that the only possible option is to go a little crazy. Vladamir Obama is feeling it, kicking Tory ass and firing generals who do not believe in him. Tony wants his life back. Kevin is just "perversely" happy his $24MM centrifuge is finally needed. Republican appointed judges are screwing with Vladamir's vacation from the spill at the ball game and on the links when they rule that somebody is being arbitrary and capricious. Really! Not this president! Pop quiz for the liberal media (excuse the redundancy): what is the difference between getting your life back and going on vacation? You are not the president, you are a groveling villain and you must pay. Speaking of paying let's do the math. First the facts. 97% of the beaches are clean and have no oil on them. Tourism in the four state oil spill area is doubling every week and is now estimated to be valued at $30 billion (this comes from the same folks who are selling swamp land in Florida). Have you noticed the booming economy? So let's multiply the spill effected area by the annual tourism economy: 3% x $30B = $0.9B assuming full year impact. Let's add five years of the entire Gulf Coast seafood industry at $900MM being shut down so that is $4.5B. We have a total of $5.4B. Let's round that up to $20B. This is the same way we figure out bail out packages.

Or we could just take it easy. I took a picture of the lobby dog at the Westin Westminster. His name is Westy. Go figure. This dog would be perfect as a mascot for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management formerly owned as the MMS.

iPad will not allow picture insert so imagine a brown lab laying on his side up against the check-in desk - not sure he is even breathing.

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