Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Charlie

I am celebrating Charlie's birthday in Denver and my room on the 12th floor of the Westin Westminster looks out on the still snow covered peaks of the Rockies. The sunrise behind me casts a beautiful light on the peaks. Down in the lobby a chocolate labador retriever named Westy is sleeping in front of the registration desk. This is a good job for a dog if you can get it. I am reminded that Charlie's early goal in life was to be a dog and he spent some time doing dog imitations.

The Strawberry Shakes are thinking right now that they didn't get a birthday blog and they will have to wait until 2011 as I let a busy work month distract me this year.

Charlie was born partially as a result of a taunt from my brother and partly due to a weak moment and a bottle of wine. Weak moments usually follow a bottle of wine. John called us nine months prior to Charlie's birth and announced that they had produced a son which as odds would have it we had not done in three pregnancies. I was always happy to have a healthy child of either sex but we are happy we have Charlie.

I tend to reminisce on the times when the kids were young and one of my favorite Charlie memories was driving through Yellowstone National Park when Charlie was still too young to read. A small dog house clearly labeled "fire hose" was on the side of the road and Charlie proudly exclaimed "dog house". The girls cried "fire hose" in unison and the chant went back and forth until Charlie was crying in frustration.

Now on the day of Charlie's birth a problem developed when Cherry decided that having babies was a difficult and uncomfortable process and that she did not think she could do this one more time. I told her I thought we were past the point of no return and she better get a better attitude. It all worked out well and we are glad we have Charlie. Have a happy birthday Charlie and thanks for all the fun times growing up. Looking forward to many happy days ahead.

Love, Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're in a good spot to celebrate a birthday. Have safe travels, Dad! And happy birthday, Charlie! FIREHOSE!
